Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1841

Transcript of Piece HO107/1138 (Southam)

Link to 1138 zipped version (71 kb) here.
Surname Listing
Abbitts, Abbot, Abbots, Abbotts, Adams, Adkins, Ainge, Alder, Alibone, Allard, Allcock, Allcut, Alleband, Allen, Alliband, Allibone, Allin, Allington, Allitt, Alsop, Altom, Alum, Amner, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Archer, Arger, Aris, Ariss, Arnold, Arris, Arten, Ashby, Ashwell, Askew, Askey, Astill, Atherley, Atkins, Attenborough, Attwood, Atwood, Austin, Avern, Averns, Avery, Ayres.

Babbington, Bachelor, Badger, Badgit, Bailey, Baker, Balds, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Bamfield, Band, Barber, Barfoot, Barley, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnard, Barnett, Barnicle, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrett, Barrott, Barry, Barswell, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Basaley, Baseley, Baskott, Basley, Bass, Bastock, Batcheldor, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Batman, Bayes, Baylis, Bayliss, Beard, Beasely, Beasley, Beaumont, Beck, Bedwords, Beere, Beesley, Belcher, Bench, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Berry, Berwick, Betts, Bezzels, Bickne, Bicknell, Bicknill, Biddell, Biddle, Biddulph, Bill, Billingham, Bilson, Bilston, Birbidge, Birch, Bird, Birman, Bishop, Blackwell, Blencowe, Blinkers, Blinko, Blinks, Blockley, Bloxam, Bloxham, Bloxsidge, Blundell, Boddington, Bodfish, Bodily, Boffins, Bonam, Bond, Boneham, Bonser, Bonsin, Boot, Borean, Boston, Boucot, Bourton, Bowers, Boyce, Boyes, Boyle, Boyles, Boys, Brackford, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brandis, Branston, Breedon, Bridges, Brinsden, Brittan, Broadley, Bromfield, Bromwich, Brookes, Brookless, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Buckingham, Budd, Bull, Buller, Bulley, Bullock, Bulmer, Burbidge, Burbige, Burbury, Burden, Burdett, Burgess, Burman, Burnell, Burney, Burton, Busby, Bush, Busnell, Busshell, Bustin, Butcher, Butler, Buttler.

Cameron, Campbell, Capell, Carpenter, Carter, Carval, Carvall, Carver, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Cattle, Cave, Ceave, Chamberlayne, Chambers, Chaplin, Chapman, Chater, Chatwin, Cheater, Checkley, Checkly, Cheney, Cherry, Chester, Chichester, Chipman, Chivrell, Chody, Church, Claradge, Claride, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarrige, Claydon, Cleave, Cleaver, Clements, Clever, Clifford, Clifforn, Clifton, Clippel, Clough, Cloves, Coalgrove, Cock, Cockeril, Cockerill, Cockrill, Cokell, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coling, Colledge, Collett, Collidge, Collings, Collins, Collison, Colton, Comander, Compton, Constable, Constant, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooper, Copson, Corbett, Corcutt, Corkrell, Corn, Cornborough, Cosford, Cotton, Cottril, Cottrill, Cousens, Cove, Cox, Craddock, Creed, Creede, Crocket, Croft, Crofts, Crosday, Cross, Cure.

Dadd, Dadley, Dale, Dalton, Daniel, Danil, Dart, Davenport, Daves, David, Davies, Davis, Davise, Day, Dean, Deering, Deerkin, Denzy, Devonport, Devonshire, Dickins, Dipper, Dixon, Dodd, Dodson, Dosha, Doughty, Douglass, Dowell, Dowlen, Drake, Draper, Duckert, Duckery, Ducket, Duckett, Duckham, Dumbeton, Dumbleton, Dunckley, Dunkley, Dunkly, Dunn, Durnell, Dury, Dyson.

Eadon, Eagles, Eaglestone, Earl, East, Eaton, Eayles, Eden, Edge, Edkins, Edmonds, Edon, Edwards, Eliman, Elkington, Ellice, Ellim, Elliman, Elliott, Ellis, Elson, Eson, Evans, Exter, Eydon, Eyres.

Fairfax, Fall, Falwell, Farmer, Farn, Farne, Faulkner, Fearne, Feeld, Feild, Fell, Fenimore, Fennel, Fennell, Fern, Fickling, Field, Fields, Finch, Fitter, Flamil, Flavel, Flavell, Flecknoe, Flemmell, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Flowers, Fluckett, Fluindine, Foalds, Forster, Foster, Foulkes, Franklin, Frankton, Freeman, French, Frinch, Frost, Fullylove, Furniss.

Ganderton, Gardener, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garret, Garrett, Gasher, Gaskins, Gazey, Gee, George, Gibbard, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilks, Gill, Gillett, Gillman, Glen, Glenn, Gloster, Goatcher, Goddard, Godfrey, Godson, Goff, Goffe, Golby, Goldby, Golding, Goldsby, Goldthorp, Goode, Goodman, Gossage, Gough, Govens, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Griffen, Griffin, Grimmett, Groom, Gruby, Gubins, Guden, Guise, Gulliver, Gumm, Guoite, Gupwell, Gutters.

Hackforth, Hacksby, Haddon, Hadkins, Hails, Haines, Hains, Halderbrat, Hales, Halford, Hall, Haly, Hambige, Hambleton, Hammersly, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Handcox, Handley, Hands, Hanley, Hanwell, Harbidge, Harford, Harood, Harper, Harres, Harris, Harriss, Harrold, Hartin, Hartley, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haskew, Haswell, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawks, Haycock, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Hazzlewood, Hearne, Hearwell, Heayes, Hedge, Hekesly, Hemings, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemsby, Herbert, Heritage, Herring, Hevetts, Hewitt, Heyns, Heywood, Hiam, Hiatt, Hickling, Higgs, Hill, Hinde, Hinds, Hinks, Hiorns, Hiott, Hirons, Hitchcock, Hitchcox, Hitchman, Hixon, Hobbes, Hobbs, Hobley, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hoggins, Hogson, Holaway, Hollier, Hollingshead, Holloway, Holms, Holtham, Holyland, Homan, Hope, Hopkins, Hopper, Horley, Horn, Horne, Hortin, Hough, Houghton, Howard, Howe, Howlett, Hudson, Hues, Huges, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Humphriss, Humphrys, Hunkley, Hunt, Hurdis, Husenns, Hutcherson, Hutchfield, Hutman.

Ibell, Iliff, Iliffe, Iorns, Irons, Isaac, Isom, Iven, Ivenes, Ivens, Izard, Izzard.

Jackson, James, Jeacock, Jeffcoat, Jeffcott, Jeffrey, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jerroms, Jessett, Jobson, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jolson, Jones, Jordan, Judd, Jussett.

Kearney, Keartland, Keen, Kelcy, Kellam, Kemp, Kenning, Kent, Kernac, Kerrod, Keyte, Kibler, Kightly, Killiman, King, Kingerlee, Kingerley, Kings, Kinman, Kirby, Kitchen, Kiteley, Knibb, Knibbs, Knight, Knott.

Labrum, Ladbrook, Lake, Lakin, Lalor, Lambert, Lane, Langford, Langly, Law, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lea, Ledbrook, Ledbrooke, Lee, Leeson, Lenton, Letts, Lewis, Lickorish, Lidenton, Lincker, Lincoln, Line, Lines, Linnel, Linnell, Lloyd, Locke, Lomas, Lord, Lott, Lucas, Lunsbey, Lydiatt, Lyndon, Lynes.

MacGregor, Machen, Mackin, Macock, Major, Majyor, Makepeace, Makepiece, Malin, Mancett, Mander, Manders, Mann, Manning, Mansel, Manton, Marin, Mariott, Markham, Marlow, Marr, Marriott, Marrnford, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matthews, Maul, Mawby, Maycock, Mayjor, Mayo, Meacock, Meads, Mears, Meddoms, Meddows, Meek, Meers, Meesby, Meller, Merrey, Messenger, Middleton, Miles, Millar, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, M'nelly, Mobley, Mold, Mole, Molloney, Montgomery, Moorby, Moore, More, Moreby, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morriss, Morton, Moss, Mountford, Muddeman, Muddiman, Mullis, Mulliss, Murray, Mushing, Mustin, Muston, Nash, Neal, Neale, Nevel, Neville, Newberry, Newbold, Newbury, Newitt, Newman, Newmans, Nibb, Nickels, Nixon, Noon, Noone, Norbury, Norris, Norton.

Odams, Oldham, Oliver, Olorenshaw, Orsband, Osborn, Osborne, Over, Overton, Owen.

Packstone, Padbury, Page, Pagett, Pain, Paine, Painter, Painton, Palmer, Pamer, Pargentor, Pargetor, Parish, Pariss, Parker, Parris, Parrish, Parrott, Parsons, Pass, Patistone, Paton, Patstone, Patten, Pattistone, Paxton, Payne, Payton, Pearce, Peardon, Pearson, Pebler, Pebody, Pedgree, Pedlar, Pedler, Peel, Pen, Penn, Percy, Perkins, Perry, Pettifer, Pettifr, Petty, Phillips, Philpot, Phipps, Picey, Pickering, Pickward, Piddington, Pilkington, Pinder, Pitman, Pittam, Plamer, Plesters, Plumb, Plumer, Plummer, Pointer, Polson, Polton, Porter, Poultney, Powell, Poynter, Pratt, Prestage, Prestidge, Prestige, Preston, Price, Pridmor, Priest, Prigeman, Print, Probit, Procter, Proctor, Prophet, Prue, Purden, Puse, Quarterman, Quinn, Raby, Radbone, Raffle, Rainbow, Ralphs, Ramser, Randal, Randall, Randle, Rathbon, Rathbone, Raven, Rawbone, Rawlings, Rawlins, Read, Reading, Reave, Redgrave, Redhead, Reeve, Reeves, Rench, Rencher, Renshaw, Reynold, Reynolds, Richard, Richards, Ricketts, Rider, Ridgway, Right, Rimell, Roadknight, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rodham, Rogers, Rollason, Rose, Roseman, Rouse, Rowe, Roy, Russell, Rymell.

Sabin, Sadler, Salt, Sammons, Sanders, Sargeant, Sargent, Sarson, Satchwell, Savage, Savige, Scarlet, Scotton, Seaney, Seaton, Selvey, Seney, Sharman, Shaw, Shealer, Shearsby, Sheasbee, Sheasby, Shelton, Shepheard, Shepherd, Sherard, Shirley, Shorley, Showd, Shurly, Silvey, Simmonds, Simmons, Simons, Simpson, Singleton, Sitan, Sitwell, Skerry, Slatcher, Slater, Smallbone, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snelson, Soden, Soper, Sorrell, Sorrill, Souele, South, Southam, Spark, Sparks, Spencer, Spier, Spiers, Spragett, Spraggett, Spragitt, Sprawson, Sprigs, Squirhill, Stable, Stamp, Stanbridge, Standbory, Standley, Standly, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Staples, Statham, Stead, Steane, Steel, Stephen, Stevens, Stigoe, Stiles, Stilgo, Stilgoe, Stowe, Stubens, Sturley, Such, Sumers, Summers, Sumner, Sutor, Sutton, Swallow.

Taft, Tallett, Tallis, Tallit, Tame, Tandy, Tanner, Tanser, Taplin, Tarker, Tasker, Taylor, Tearn, Terry, Thacker, Thompson, Thomson, Thorneycroft, Thornicroft, Thorning, Thornton, Thosbrook, Tibbits, Tilley, Timm, Timms, Tims, Tinssell, Tobit, Todd, Tollend, Tomalin, Tomkliss, Tomlin, Tompkins, Tonant, Tooby, Toon, Tooth, Torbit, Towers, Towns, Townsend, Tranter, Traslar, Treadwell, Treen, Trevor, Trindall, Truslove, Tubb, Tuckey, Turner, Turrell, Turvey, Twigger.

Umbers, Unmbers, Upston, Upton, Usher, Ust.

Valdine, Vann, Varney, Vatory, Vice, Vimsin.

Waddoups, Wagg, Wagstaff, Wain, Waitman, Walden, Walgrove, Walker, Wallis, Walter, Walton, Ward, Waring, Warmington, Warner, Warnor, Warr, Warren, Warwick, Washbrook, Washbrooke, Waters, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webster, Weeb, Welch, Welchman, Wells, Welton, West, Westly, Weston, Wetton, Wheatley, White, Whitehead, Whithead, Whitlock, Whitmell, Whittington, Whorrall, Wiken, Wild, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willes, Willett, Williams, Willkins, Willner, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Wimbush, Winckley, Wing, Winkless, Winkley, Winkliss, Winkly, Winsor, Wise, Witherington, Witworth, Wodaps, Wodhams, Wood, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wootten, Wootton, Worner, Worrall, Worrell, Worrington, Worth, Wright, Wringrose, Wyatt, Wykes.

Yeats, Yemens.

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