Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1841

Transcript of Piece HO107/1150 (Aston)

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Surname Listing
Abbott, Adams, Adcock, Addams, Adkins, Afchain, Akin, Alebon, Alfred, Allan, Allarton, Allcock, Allcot, Alldritt, Allen, Allender, Allisen, Allport, Allright, Allsop, Alport, Alsop, Ames, Amherst, Anchors, Andcock, Anderton, Andrew, Andrews, Anthony, Apletree, Arch, Armishaw, Arms, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbury, Ashall, Ashford, Ashmall, Ashmore, Ashurst, Ashwin, Asman, Astbury, Aston, Athersich, Athersuch, Atkins, Atkinson, Attenborough, Atteridge, Aulton, Austin, Avery.

Babbeton, Babington, Babon, Bace, Bach, Bacon, Bagg, Baggs, Bagley, Bagnall, Bagot, Bagshaw, Bail, Bailey, Bailis, Bailiss, Baker, Bakewell, Baldwin, Balinhar, Ball, Balmaseda, Bampton, Bamton, Banks, Bannister, Banon, Barber, Barclay, Barkeley, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barnfield, Barratt, Barrett, Barrey, Barrow, Barrows, Bartlam, Bartlett, Barton, Barwell, Basford, Bashford, Baslow, Bassett, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Batkin, Bauldwin, Bauler, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beachell, Beadman, Bean, Beaumont, Bebb, Beck, Beckwith, Beddow, Bedford, Beeasley, Beech, Belcher, Beley, Belfield, Bellfield, Bells, Benford, Benn, Benson, Bent, Bentley, Benton, Berfield, Berrisford, Berry, Bethell, Betts, Bewley, Bibb, Bibby, Bickley, Biddle, Bidule, Bill, Billingham, Billings, Billington, Bilstone, Bilton, Birch, Bircher, Bird, Birley, Biron, Bishop, Blackburn, Blackford, Blackmore, Blackwall, Blake, Blakemore, Blakesley, Blaste, Blew, Blewett, Blewitt, Blizard, Blood, Bloor, Blount, Bloxam, Bluck, Blunn, Blunt, Boddy, Bodington, Boell, Bohan, Boldey, Bollen, Bolton, Bonall, Bonas, Bond, Bonsall, Booth, Boreham, Boswell, Bosworth, Botham, Bott, Boucher, Bould, Boulton, Bourne, Bowden, Bowdler, Bowen, Bowley, Boyce, Boyer, Brabson, Bradbery, Bradbey, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brandon, Bray, Breakwell, Breem, Brettell, Bridge, Brien, Brier, Brigg, Briggs, Brindley, Brinton, Briscoe, Brittain, Britton, Broadbent, Broadhurst, Brockholn, Bromwich, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Broster, Broughan, Brought, Broughton, Brown, Brownley, Bryan, Bubige, Buck, Buckler, Bugshaw, Bules, Bullivant, Bullock, Bullows, Bunn, Burbidge, Burden, Burge, Burgess, Burke, Burn, Burr, Burrow, Burt, Burton, Busby, Butcher, Butler, Buttler, Butts, Buxton, Bynner.

Cadham, Cajin, Calcutt, Callan, Cambell, Camm, Campbell, Cannington, Cannon, Cantrill, Capil, Capner, Carchleve, Cardal, Cardall, Careless, Carless, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Case, Cashbertson, Cashmore, Cassidy, Catsbee, Cattell, Caunt, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chattaway, Chattock, Chatwin, Chavasse, Cheadle, Chidler, Chillingsworth, Chinn, Church, Churchill, Clamp, Clarbrough, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Cleese, Clew, Clews, Cliff, Clive, Clorvis, Clowes, Clutton, Coates, Cockrill, Colbourn, Coldacott, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Collett, Collins, Colon, Condland, Congrave, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooper, Cope, Corbitt, Corfield, Cornforth, Coton, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Coulston, Cox, Coxon, Coyle, Cranston, Creaton, Creed, Cresswell, Crewe, Crisp, Crisppe, Croft, Croker, Crook, Crosbee, Crosby, Cross, Crouk, Croxton, Crsby, Crump, Cullen, Cundy, Cunington, Curbishley, Cutler, Cutter, Cuttler.

Dabbs, Daffon, Dafforn, Daffs, Dale, Dalman, Dalmen, Daly, Dancey, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Darley, Davel, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawes, Dawson, Day, De Lys, De Souza, Deakin, Dean, Dearn, Dease, Debank, Dee, Deeley, Deely, Deeman, Deeming, Denston, Dericourt, Derington, Derry, Devenport, Devereux, Dewell, Dichfield, Dick, Dickson, Die, Dillon, Dineley, Dixon, Dobson, Docker, Dodd, Dodds, Dodwell, Doggett, Doodey, Dorrell, Douere, Douglas, Dowler, Downing, Doyle, Drake, Drinkwater, Drummond, Drury, Duch, Dudley, Dudly, Duel, Duell, Duff, Dugard, Dugmore, Duke, Dunkley, Dunn, Dutton, Dyer, Dywater.

Eagles, Earp, Earson, East, Eaton, Eborall, Ebrall, Eccles, Eccleston, Eckless, Edden, Edge, Edkins, Edmonds, Edson, Edwards, Egginton, Eginton, Eldridge, Eles, Elkins, Ellin, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elmes, Elsam, Ely, Embley, Emery, Enger, England, Enock, Esther, Evans, Evens, Everett, Evers, Everton, Evins.

Falcombridge, Fall, Fannam, Fanning, Farell, Farley, Farmer, Farnell, Farrell, Faulkener, Faulkner, Faxardo, Fellows, Felton, Fenn, Fenton, Ferrers, Fetherstone, Fiander, Fiddian, Field, Fields, Fincher, Finnimore, Fish, Fisher, Fitzer, Fitzgerald, Flangan, Fleetwood, Fletcher, Flintow, Flood, Flower, Foden, Footherape, Ford, Foreman, Forrest, Forrester, Forthorape, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Freeth, French, Frint, Frith, Froke, Frost.

Gadwin, Gagey, Gale, Gallemore, Ganderton, Ganes, Gardener, Gargory, Garland, Garner, Garratt, Gaskin, Gater, Gaunt, Gee, Gem, Genders, Gent, George, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilbins, Giles, Gill, Gillett, Gilliver, Gittins, Glew, Glone, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Goggins, Golden, Goldie, Goldingay, Gonzales, Gooch, Goode, Goodwin, Gordon, Gorle, Gotwaltz, Gough, Gow, Gozzard, Grafton, Grange, Graves, Gravin, Gray, Grayston, Grean, Greathead, Greatley, Greatorex, Greatwood, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greensale, Greensall, Greenside, Greensill, Greenway, Gregory, Griego, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimley, Grinnell, Grove, Grovener, Groves, Grundy, Guest, Gullick, Gupwell, Gwin, Gypres.

Hackney, Hadden, Hadduck, Haden, Hadley, Hagar, Hagen, Hailston, Hailstone, Haines, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hallam, Hames, Hampton, Hancock, Hancox, Handcock, Handley, Hands, Hanson, Hants, Harbut, Hardey, Hardiman, Harding, Hardman, Hardy, Hare, Harford, Hargrave, Harley, Harman, Harnett, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Hartesse, Hartley, Hartsell, Hartshorn, Hartshorne, Harvey, Harwood, Haseler, Haskey, Hasley, Hasluck, Hassel, Hassell, Hasterlow, Hastings, Hateley, Hatherington, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkings, Hawkins, Hawlett, Hawsford, Hayes, Hayfield, Haynes, Haywood, Hazelting, Heath, Heathcote, Heaton, Hedges, Heeley, Hemmay, Hemming, Hemmings, Hems, Henshall, Henshaw, Hepwell, Herington, Herrington, Heslaw, Hetherington, Hewit, Hewitt, Hewkin, Hewson, Hickerbottom, Hickman, Hiely, Higginbotham, Higginbottam, Higgins, Hilditch, Hiley, Hill, Hillier, Hillman, Hilton, Hind, Hindle, Hinge, Hinks, Hinley, Hinton, Hipkins, Hipkiss, Hitchman, Hittchen, Hoar, Hobday, Hoboam, Hobson, Hockley, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodson, Holdback, Holden, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holroyd, Holt, Holtham, Holyoak, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopley, Hopp, Horley, Hornblower, Horne, Horsefield, Horsfall, Horton, Houldham, Houseman, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howkins, Howlett, Howley, Huband, Hudson, Huges, Hughes, Huld, Humpage, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphriss, Humphryes, Hunson, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Huskinson, Huskisson, Husler, Hustans, Hutchins, Hutton, Hyde.

Iddins, Ille, Ingle, Ingram, Inkley, Insley, Inston, Ireland, Ironmonger.

Jackman, Jackson, James, Janes, Jeff, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jenning, Jennings, Jerome, Joblins, Johnson, Johnstone, Joice, Joiner, Joke, Jones, Jordan, Jorden, Jordon, Juggins.

Kean, Keane, Keen, Keenan, Kegin, Keiling, Keliman, Kellett, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemble, Kemp, Kempson, Kendall, Kenna, Kenny, Kent, Kenway, Kerridge, Kesterton, Kettel, Key, Kiley, Kilkelly, Killan, Kimberley, Kimley, King, Kingston, Kinser, Kirby, Kirkland, Kissopp, Knight, Knowles.

Ladbury, Lakin, Lalor, Lamb, Lamburd, Lander, Lane, Langbridge, Langford, Langham, Lant, Lascells, Latham, Latimer, Laundon, Lavel, Lavill, Law, Lawden, Lawler, Lawless, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawton, Lea, Leadom, Leake, Leakin, Ledbitter, Lee, Leech, Leedham, Leeke, Lees, Leggitt, Leith, Lembert, Lene, Leonard, Leopard, Leppington, Levene, Lewe, Lewin, Lewis, Liddall, Lillington, Line, Lines, Liney, Lingard, Lingham, Linkwhite, Lister, Littlehales, Littler, Liveley, Lloyd, Locker, Longman, Longmon, Longmore, Loon, Loughnan, Lovet, Lowe, Lucas, Luckman, Luckock, Lucock, Ludford, Lune, Lunt, Lynam, Lynch, Lyndon, Lyness, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons, Lysall.

MacDermot, Macefield, MacEvry, Machin, Macken, Mackey, Maden, Major, Malin, Mammat, Mammatt, Mammut, Manley, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Mantle, Manton, Manuel, Marden, Mariss, Mark, Marksill, Marlow, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marsill, Marston, Martin, Masefield, Mason, Massey, Master, Masters, Matchell, Mathurst, Matthews, Mavis, May, Mayne, Mayo, Mayon, McArthy, McCallum, McConn, McCormick, McDermott, McDonnell, McDurmott, McEvry, McMullen, Meddings, Meek, Mellows, Melsom, Merrick, Merrill, Merryfield, Messenger, Mewis, Meynell, Meyrick, Miatt, Middleton, Midlam, Midleton, Miles, Miller, Millichamp, Mills, Millward, Milwood, Miok, Mistess, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mogridge, Molton, Moodey, Mooney, Moore, More, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morriss, Mortimer, Moseley, Mottram, Mould, Mountford, Movior, Moxam, Moxham, Muirhead, Mulligan, Murry, Mutson, Myatt, Myring.

Nail, Nailer, Nash, Nason, Nayler, Naylor, Neald, Neale, Needham, Nelson, Nevill, Neville, Newberry, Newbold, Newel, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nibbs, Nibles, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nickolls, Nield, Nock, Noke, Nokes, North, Nott, Nugent.

Oakley, O'Brien, OConnell, O'Conner, O'Connor, Offley, Oglesbey, Oglesby, Oldacre, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver, O'Loughlin, Oniel, Onions, Oram, O'Reilly, Orgill, Orgit, Orton, Osborn, O'Sullivan, Oswell, Overbury, Owen, Oxenbould, Oxford.

Packer, Paddy, Padley, Page, Paget, Pagliano, Paine, Painter, Palet, Pallet, Palmer, Pardoe, Pargeter, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkinson, Parry, Parson, Parsons, Pasquin, Patcher, Paton, Patrick, Payn, Payne, Peacock, Peanas, Pearce, Pearson, Pelees, Perkins, Perks, Perman, Perry, Peter, Petifore, Pews, Phelan, Phillips, Phipps, Pickerin, Pickering, Piercy, Pilcher, Pinny, Pinson, Pinto, Pipe, Pisani, Pitt, Plant, Platt, Plimmer, Podmore, Potter, Poulton, Powel, Powell, Power, Powers, Pratt, Preece, Preston, Price, Priddey, Priddy, Priest, Prime, Pritcham, Protheroe, Pudley, Purcell, Pursall, Putnege.

Queen, Quiney.

Radford, Randall, Rangeford, Rassano, Raven, Ravenall, Ravenhall, Rawson, Ray, Read, Reading, Readman, Reaney, Rebello, Redfern, Rees, Reeves, Reid, Rendall, Renford, Rennel, Renolds, Revill, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Riddell, Rigby, Riley, Roades, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rock, Roden, Roderick, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rook, Rose, Ross, Round, Rouney, Row, Rowe, Rowlandson, Rowley, Roxbee, Rudd, Ruscoe, Ruse, Rushton, Russ, Russel, Russell, Ruston, Ryan, Ryder, Ryland, Ryley, Ryman.

Sagan, Sale, Salmon, Salt, Sambrook, Sapley, Sargant, Sargent, Satchwell, Saunders, Savage, Saville, Saxelby, Schofield, Schweers, Scott, Scythe, Seager, Searle, Sebley, Seely, Selkirk, Sergeant, Sermon, Sexstone, Sexton, Shannon, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharples, Sharrat, Sharratt, Shaw, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shelfield, Shepard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shepperd, Sheriffe, Sherley, Shipley, Shirley, Short, Shorthouse, Shortland, Shoule, Showel, Showell, Shurreir, Shuttleworth, Sibree, Sigley, Silvester, Simkin, Simkinson, Simkiss, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Sing, Sinker, Skellett, Skelton, Slack, Slater, Sly, Small, Smallwood, Smith, Snape, Snow, Sorrell, Souter, Souther, Spare, Sparkes, Sparks, Spawforth, Speak, Spencer, Spooner, Sprayson, Sprigg, Squelch, Stacpoole, Staffon, Stamp, Standish, Standley, Stane, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Stanyard, Staples, Starkey, Starkie, Starlin, Starling, Statham, Steedman, Steel, Stenor, Stephenson, Steveson, Stewans, Steward, Stewens, Stirk, Stockton, Stoke, Stokes, Stone, Stopp, Stott, Street, Stretton, Streve, Strickland, Stringer, Stubbs, Sturges, Styche, Such, Suckling, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sutcliffe, Sutton, Swadkin, Swain, Swan, Sweet, Swift, Sykes, Symonds, Syrand.

Tackle, Talbot, Talbut, Tatton, Tay, Tayler, Taylor, Tedditch, Telford, Terry, Thacker, Thawley, Thaycom, Thiren, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorley, Thorn, Thornhill, Thornill, Thornley, Thornton, Thorpe, Thunder, Tidson, Tidsor, Till, Timbril, Timmis, Timplely, Tinsley, Todd, Toft, Tombs, Tomkinson, Tomlinson, Tommson, Tompkins, Tompson, Tomson, Toney, Tongue, Tonkinson, Tonks, Topham, Townsend, Toye, Tredwell, Trickett, Trow, Trubshaw, Truckle, Truman, Trye, Tucker, Turborville, Turner, Turnpenny, Twamley, Twills, Twist, Tye, Tysall, Tyser.

Underill, Urnssid.

Vale, Varly, Vaughn, Veitch, Vernon, Vesey, Vickers, Vickery, Vidic, Village, Vincent, Voice, Voss, Voyle, Vyse.

Wade, Wadson, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wakefield, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallband, Wallern, Walley, Wallis, Walls, Walsh, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Wareing, Warham, Warhin, Warner, Warral, Warren, Warwick, Waston, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Wedge, Welch, Weldon, Well, Wells, West, Westburry, Westbury, Westhead, Westmon, Weston, Westridge, Westwood, Whatley, Wheatley, Whebb, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whele, Whibb, Whilde, Whilton, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whiting, Whitmore, Whittall, Whittington, Whitty, Whorwood, Whyley, Whyte, Wigan, Wiggin, Wilcocks, Wilcox, Wilding, Wilhay, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willcox, Williams, Willis, Willits, Willitts, Willmore, Willmot, Willson, Wilson, Wilton, Windridge, Winkfield, Winterbottom, Winterbotton, Winters, Winwood, Wise, Wiseman, Wistance, Witherington, Witmore, Witton, Wolfe, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhall, Woodhouse, Wooding, Woods, Woodward, Woodwick, Woolaston, Woollaston, Woolley, Wootton, Worrall, Worsey, Worthington, Worwood, Wosse, Wothers, Wragg, Wragge, Wrench, Wright, Wrighton, Wykes, Wynn, Wyresdale, Wyse.

Yarnley, Yates, Yeomans, Young.

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