Monumental Inscriptions for Arley - New & Old Churches

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
The New and Old Churches in Arley

Fiche number I006 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry


Abbots, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Allan, Allen, Allspath, Anderton, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Artus, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Ault


Backhouse, Bacon, Bagaley, Bailey, Baker, Ballard, Banks, Barber, Barker, Barnacle, Barnes, Barrs, Bates, Baugh, Beddow, Bedford, Bedworthy, Benet, Bent, Bettaney, Betteridge, Biggs, Biker, Bindley, Bingley, Birchley, Blackburn, Blason, Blakemore, Bockmore, Bowen, Bradbury, Braine, Brimble, Boradhurst, Brock, Brookes, Brooks-Clifford, Broome, Brownsword, Bryant, Bucher, Bull, Bullock, Burgess, Builer, Button, Butts


Cain, Campbell, Barlton, Cartwright, Castro, Catleugh, Caviel, Charnell, Chester, Chetwynd, Chilton, Chuter, Clarke, Coleman, Coley, Comb, Comer, Cooper, Cosgrove, Coventre, CowleyCraig, Cramp, Crompton, Crowley


Davies, Davis, Dennis, Denton, Dexter, Dowling, Downes, Duff, Dutton


Earle, Eaves, Edwards, Eley, Emery, Evans


Fessey, Fielder, Finch, Fisher, Fletcher, Flynn, Foster, Franklyn, French, Frost, Fulford, Fullard, Fulleylove


Garratley, Gask, Gaskell, George, Gibbons, Gibson, Gilbert, Gill, Glover, Godderbridge, Godfrey, Goode, Goodridge, Goodwin, Gosling, Green, Greenaway, Greenfield, Gripton


Hadland, Hadley, Haines, Halford, Hall, Halle, Hammond, Hancock, Hands, Hands, Hannaby, Harding, Harris, Hartin, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Harvie, Harwood, Hastings, Hawksworth, Hayes, Hayhoe, Haynes, Hazel, Hemmings, Henry?, Hibbitt, Higham, Hill, Hilton, Hindmarsh, Hinks, Hoddele, Hodgets, Hodkisson, Holbeche, Hollick, Holmes, Horton, Howarth, Hudson, Hughes, Humphries, Hutton


Ibbertson, Ibbotson, Iley, Islip


Jackson, Jacques, Jayes, Jennings, Jerrams, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Joynes


Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendall, Kercher, Kettle, Key, King, Kirkham, Knifton, Knight, Know, Knowles


Labram, Lane, Langley, Lawrence, Layte, Leake, Leavis, Lee, Lees, Legge, Lewell, Lloyd, Loneleye, Loutery, Lovelock, Luton, Lynie, Lyon


McDermott, McDonald, McIntosh, McQuilliam, Male, Malkin, Manners, Markham, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Mathie, Matthews, Mellor, Miller, Minett, Moon, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morton, Mumford


Nelson, Newbold, Newnham, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nightingale, Northall, Norwood


Orton, Osborne, Owen


Packer, Painter, Palmer, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parrant, Parsloe, Pavlich, Payne, Pearson, Pemberton, Pepper, Phillips, Plant, Plumb, Porritt, Potter, Poulton, Price, Priest, Probert


Ramsell, Randall, Raybould, Reeves, Regan, Reynard, Reynolds, Riddell, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Rogers, Rooke, Rose, Rowe, Rowell, Rowland, Rowley, Rowney, Rudd


S(Sampson), Sampson, Satchwell, Scattergood, Seal, Sekynton, Seymour, Shale, Shaw, Shepperd, Sherrard, Shewring, Shore, Simpson, Slaney, Slee, Smart, Smedley, Smith, Sneddon, Sowerby, Spellman, Spencer, Stain, Stanley, Statham, Stevens, Stinton, Stone, Stott, Strachan, Stratford, Streeting, Stretton, Such, Summerton, Swain, Symonds


Taft, Taylor, Teagles, Thackaberry, Thompson, Thornhill, Thurman, Timms, Tomes, Tompson, Toon, Torbitt, Townshend, Turner






Wainwright, Waistell, Wait, Wakeman, Walford, Wall, Wallbank, Walters Wand, Ward, Wardle, Waring, Warmington, Wassall, Webb, Welbourne, Wermingham, Weston, Westwood, Whale, Whitmore, Whittingdon, Whittle, Wight, Wildgoose, Wileman, Wilkinson, Willdig, Willetts, Williams, Willn, Wilson, Windridge, Winn, Wood, Woodhouse, Wooding, Worton, Wright


Ynge, Youson

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